Time boxing

I was unfamiliar with the productive strategy so I asked chatGPT about time boxing.

Time-boxing is a powerful method to manage your time more efficiently. Here’s a basic step-by-step guide:

List Your Tasks: Write down all tasks you have to complete. Include everything, big and small.
Prioritize: Once you’ve got your list, prioritize it. Determine which tasks are most important and need to be done first.
Estimate Time: Estimate how long each task will take. This doesn’t have to be exact, but it’s crucial to provide a ballpark figure.
Schedule Your Day: Now that you know your tasks and how long they’ll likely take, you can start time-boxing your schedule. Start with your highest priority task and assign it a specific time slot in your day.
Strict Time Limits: Stick to the time limit you’ve set for each task. When the time is up, move on to the next task. This might be hard at first, but it helps you stay focused and avoid procrastination.
Short Breaks: Don’t forget to schedule short breaks in between tasks. This helps to prevent burnout and keep your productivity high throughout the day.
Review and Adjust: At the end of the day, review your progress. Did you complete all the tasks? Did you underestimate the time required for any tasks? Use this information to adjust your time-boxing technique for the next day.
Remember, the aim of time-boxing is not to create an inflexible schedule, but to ensure that you’re spending your time wisely and productively. If something doesn’t work, feel free to adjust your time-boxing method to better suit your needs.

chatGPT 4

I eventually browsed around and decided on RescueTime, Google Calendar, and Jira.

I like RescueTime’s reminders that I was opening non-productive apps/websites. A gentle reminder to get back to work 🙂

Google Calendar has always been great and easy to use. Downsides are making your calendar pretty gross. I still went forward with this idea in a separate work calendar.

Finally, Jira has an incredibly robust project manage software to spec out work that needs to be done.

Going to give this strategy about 90 days and report back.