Solo Web Scout

Empowering freelance web developers with the toolset to discover potential clientele through aging websites in need of a facelift.

Crafting A Digital Prospector

I embarked on the journey to develop a tool that harnesses Google's Custom Search API, tailored to sieve through the vast internet and unearth older websites. With parameters like website age, file type, and specific exclusion terms, this tool offers targeted search results that identify websites ripe for rejuvenation.

Efficient Search Management

By integrating specific parameters, the tool efficiently pinpoints older websites, enabling developers to propose modern redesigns and optimizations. The exclusion terms ensure more accurate search results, sidestepping unnecessary or irrelevant listings.

A User-Friendly Interface

Built with React and styled with TailwindCSS, the tool’s interface is intuitive and streamlined. Freelancers can easily input their search criteria and quickly generate a list of potential leads.

Why Google’s Custom Search API?

I opted for Google's Custom Search API due to its robustness and adaptability. Tailoring search parameters allowed me to achieve a higher degree of accuracy, ensuring users find exactly what they're looking for, and in this case, websites needing a refresh.

Empowering the Freelance Community

This tool serves more than just a technical exercise. It embodies a solution for freelancers, aiding them in the hunt for potential clients and opportunities. The ability to identify aging websites presents a niche yet valuable market for web developers.