React UI Library

A comprehensive UI library tailored for React, constructed with precision, adaptability, and efficiency in mind.

Adhering to Atomic Design

The React UI Library follows the atomic design pattern, promoting modularity, reusability, and maintainability. It divides components into atoms, molecules, organisms, templates, and pages, streamlining the development process while ensuring consistency.

Blend of CSS Modules and TailwindCSS

Depending on specific requirements, the library utilizes CSS modules or TailwindCSS. This dynamic approach ensures components retain their styling integrity, while also benefiting from the utility-first prowess of TailwindCSS.

Visual Component Catalog

Every component is meticulously documented in Storybook, offering preset examples, edge cases, and interactivity. This not only enhances developer experience but also acts as a comprehensive reference for users, ensuring optimal utilization of each component.

Driven by Best Practices

The choice to leverage React, TypeScript, Jest, and other modern technologies is rooted in the library's commitment to quality. Jest ensures each component's robustness through rigorous testing, while React and TypeScript offer the foundation for scalable and type-safe components.

Bridging Inconsistencies

Driven by a vision to have more control and achieve consistency, this React UI Library was birthed. It sidesteps the inconsistencies of third-party libraries, offering a reliable set of components, each designed with care and precision in a controlled NX monorepo environment.